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Control improvements provide wastewater client with almost £250k of annual savings

Control improvements provide wastewater client with almost £250k of annual savings

Control improvements provide wastewater client with almost £250k of annual savings




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In 2020 the clients tier 1 contractor completed upgrade work to increase ASP air supply on a Wastewater Treatment Works. Following the commissioning of these works Air Technology were asked to perform optimisation work in order to improve the efficiency of the plant. By designing a control system prioritising the new diffused aeration over the existing splash surface aerators- as well as optimising valve control, blower switching and when the surface aerators would work- Air Technology were able to find exceptional savings.

Average operating savings of 125kW have so far been achieved, taking asp power from 345kW to 220kW, and an additional improvement worth approx. 15kW to be implemented shortly. This will take total savings at their current electricity costs to £245,000/yr with additional setpoint optimisation still to be completed.

Case study coming soon...

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